Last Tuesday Ahyan and I played the 5th and 6th round of Tuesday Night Marathon online over arranged by Mechanics Chess Institute. The games are live analyzed by FIDE Master Paul Whitehead and Abel Talamantez. After a nice win by Ahyan at 5th round he was jointly in second position with 4 out of 5 in the open section which is phenomenal at his age and rating. Ahyan and I joined the commentary by invitation from TD Judit Sztaray after the 6th round for a short time. Here are some excerpts from our games and the commentaries. The TNM newsletter for this round may be found here -
I am an engineering leader, a chess enthusiast and an avid reader. I have moved as a software engineer inUSA from my home country Bangladesh at 2005 leaving many of my family members, relatives, friends and good memories. In this journal I want to capture how are my days going here in this migrated place with my wife, son and daughter.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
How To Learn Philosophy On My Own
I have been thinking of learning Philosophy without going to a college or enrolling in Philosophy courses for some time now. Philosophy is such a vast topic that the biggest trouble for me was to figure out where to start, what are the major areas of Philosophy that I should focus on, and how to go about it within the limited time I have. Apart from my spiritual quest, I was very intrigued by Jordan B Peterson's mentions of Friedrich Nietzsche in one of the best books I have ever read 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.
First I went for identifying major branches of Philosophy to explore. Those are -
- Metaphysics - ultimate nature of reality
- Epistemology - what we know and how we come to know it
- Axiology - study of principles and values which is further divided into two major kinds
- Ethics - the study of morality
- Aesthetics - inquiry about art and beauty
- Logic - the structure of arguments
- Ontology - knowing the reality
- Political Philosophy - deals with government, justice, and so on
- Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
- Poetics by Aristotle
- The Republic by Plato
- Meditations by Rene Descartes
- A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume
- An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume
- Candide by Voltaire
- The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
- Thinking: Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (read it earlier but will read again)
- The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell
- The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
- Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
- Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E Frankl
- The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- The Incoherence of the Philosophers by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali
- The Incoherence of the Incoherence by Ibn Rush (Averroes)
- The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History - The Abridged Edition by Ibn Khaldun
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values by Robert M Pirsig
- The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Understanding Power by Noam Chomsky
- Free Will by Sam Harris
Our Universe
I have been fascinated while listening to and reading about the Universe since my childhood. But most of those readings have been random, organic in nature just like my readings on everything else - science fictions, detective novels, history, biography, cricket, soccer, and so on. The notable exception is Chess and Software Engineering which I have done pretty significantly in terms of method and volume.
In 2015 I started reducing my overall time spent reading, learning, and playing chess (it was not an easy decision, believe me). That gave me extra time to focus on my pursuit of knowledge outside of my day job and family responsibilities. So I picked up first to understand religions and particularly Islam as I felt it's my duty to know in detail as a Muslim. About 3 years of reading, watching videos, enrolling in seminars on topics related to Islam, Comparative Religions, Atheism, and relevant topics - I felt like it's good enough for me to synthesize and reflect on what I found for the foreseeable future. So I switched next to learn about Leadership and Self Help to move towards an Engineering Leadership career. My particular area of interest has been Bay Area Software Startups although I have been learning all aspects of leadership and management that I possibly could find. And then recently, I picked up the journey to learn deeply about Philosophy. I am immensely enjoying all these.
Observable Universe
Metric expansion of space
Cosmic time or Cosmological time
Horizon problem
Flatness problem
Dark Energy
Dark Matter
Fine-tuned Universe
Unseen Universe
Big Bang
Inflationary Epoch or Cosmic Inflation
Quark Epoch
Hadron Epoch
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR)
Particle Horizon
Gravitational Waves
Curvature of Spacetime
Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity
Neutrino or Cosmic Neutrino Background (CNB)
Dwarf Galaxy
Ring Galaxy
Irregular Galaxy
Cosmic Ray
Interstellar Space
Galactic Helo
Active Galactic Nucleus
Starburst Galaxy
Galaxy Filaments
Star Clusters
Cosmic Void
Dwarf Stars - Red / Yellow / Orange / Brown / White / Black
Variable Stars - Intrinsic / Extrinsic / Semiregular / Cephid
Blue Giant - Red Giant, Super Giant, Hyper Giant
Neutron Star - Pulsar, Magnetar
Binary Star
Solar System
Asteroid Belt
Terrestrial planet
Gaseous planet
Ice Giants
Rogue planel
Gamma-Ray Burst
Fast Radio Burst
Black Hole
Event Horizon
Supermassive blackhole
Micro blackhole
Fabric of Spacetime
Protoplanetary Nebula
Emission Nebula
H II Region
Reflection Nebula
Dark Nebula
Type 1 vs Type 2
Supernova Reminant
Double quasar
Sub-satellite or moonmoon
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