Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I Joined Salesforce Yesterday

I joined Salesforce in San Francisco yesterday as a Software Engineer. So far it has been a wonderful and competitive corporate environment. My manager took me to a Thai Cuisine for lunch and explained me how Salesforce is growing so fast! I will be probably be assigned to AppStore and Phoenix projects soon after I finish my admin training next week.

Last Friday (2nd Nov) my Philips colleague gave me a farewell lunch at Red Kwali in Milpitas. Although Jeff could not attend it and instead gave me a phone call to say good bye; everyone else in Philips Milpitas R&D team joined that - Imtiyaz, Brian, Dan, Jade, David, Tho, Ba, Franca. It was a nice time with them.

In that evening I, Shusmita, Ahyan, Nitol, Ezaz, Shaki and Mahi started for Klamath Falls, Oregon with our hired 7-seater Minivan. We reached the Trendwest Resort there at 3:30 PM. The long drive was quite wonderful with all of us singing by turns. The next day (Saturday) we went to Crater Lake first. We returned in the evening and Ezaz led the barbequeee party. The next morning (Sunday) we went to see Lava beds and chimney near Merill town. We forgot to take flash lights and could not go upto the end of the dark caves. While returning Nitol even got hit in head head by the sharp rocks. While returning back home in the evening, we took exit to see Shasta Dam as Ezaz, Shaki was not with us when we saw it last time in July this year. It was a wonderful trip. Here are some pictures from the trip.



we4tech said...

hi bro,
it's really a great news, i believe you would love to share your knowledge from salesforce .

best wishes,

Shahjahan Siraj said...

This is wonderful Fahim,

We are proud of you friend, hope we will hear your experience.

Keep it up.

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