Saturday, May 14, 2022

Twin Health US Engineering Social Event

We had a nice social event for US Engineering event yesterday in our Mountain View head quarter of Twin Health followed by a hiking in Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve which is within 10 miles of our office.

I was part of team dragon; we were 3rd out of 5 teams while fullstackers won.

First we started with a hybrid team game organized by Weve, virtual team event. We got divided into 5 different groups - fullstackers, teamslow, one team, samuel and dragon. Talia, the event organizer, skillfully made us hunt treasures, count objects, identify differences from similar images, make rainbows etc. It was fun!

This was followed by a light refreshment that our CTO Terry Poon arranged for us. While having refreshment, I had a game of chess with my colleague John Ngoi that had a good audience.

I was white and I won the game against John that started with King's Gambit opening.

Then 14 of us drive to Rancho San Antonio and did a group hiking that took a little more than 2 hours. As I am getting older, and recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic, I could feel that I don't have anywhere close to the energy I had when I did summit of yosemite half dome 13 years back. On the other hand, some of my colleagues found it pretty smooth.

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