Monday, December 22, 2014

JUGBD Webinar: Salesforce booming from a startup to the highly used cloud development platform

A few days back one of my ex-Colleague from Bangladesh Nazrul contacted me to have a meetup session with Java User Group Bangladesh to share some of my experience with Bangladeshi Programmers and Technologists. I was very happy to see that as I started the first Java Users Group in Bangladesh in 2002 and was very actively involved there until I came back to USA in 2005. So yesterday I presented my topic through GoToWebinar. The full session was recorded and today was uploaded in YouTube. Here is the one. I plan to engage few of my fellow technologists here in Sillicon Valley for sessions on different topics in similar style in future.

Thoughts on Life, Death, and Overcoming Fear

I've been pondering a topic that's universally relevant yet rarely discussed - death and the anxieties it evokes. As I delve deeper ...