Monday, May 28, 2007

Lake Tahoe in early Summer

This memorial day long weekend was the last weekend before summer and was a perfect candidate for a vacation. I, Shusmita and Ahyan were joined by Nitol and Liju for a Lake Tahoe trip with one night stay in Cal Neva Resort near King's Beach which is in the border of California and Nevada.

We started for Lake Tahoe just before noon Saturday. I expected cold as more than a year earlier I came in a winter here with my friend Prakash and it was ice and ice everywhere. But it was warm and green now. We enjoyed the stay in hotel and roaming around Lake Tahoe. At night we went to Reno which is a very small version of Las Vegas. The next morning we checked out at noon and rounded the whole circle of Lake Tahoe stopping in several vista points. Its beautiful... very beautiful...

The whole trip Ahyan was very happy but he didn't eat cereals. From our hotel we could see the lake and hills very closely. It was a good driving experience and wonderful vacation!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

An eventful Week

Well this current week has been full of events. Let me remember in order.

Monday night, me, Shabbir, Shusmita and Ahyan went for a half-an-hour grocery shopping in Namaste Plaza. When we came back home, we found the house is full of smokes. Shusmita forgot to switch off one stove and thats why it is. If we would be a little more late, as Liju pointed out when he joined us in dinner the house would be under terrible fire!

Tuesday afternoon around 4:30 Shusmita called me and told that Ahyan jumped from bed into the floor. I was in the office and rushed towards home instantly. We took him to Fremont Urgent Care and he seemed to be fine without any injury. Even though we have monitor and pillows around Ahyan, he woke up from sleep and silently crossed the pillows (thats why Shusmita didn't hear anything from the kitchen's monitor) to catch an electric tower fan eventually falling in the floor. However the floor has thick carpet thats why he was not hurt. Same night, some of our friends here together went to a surprise birthday party to one of my friend's house.

Wednesday night (yesterday) I bought a P4 2.8Ghz, 512 MB RAM, 17" LCD monitor from Livermore. It was a nice hilly drive to buy this used desktop PC from an office who are moving out.

Liju informed me that Zeeshan vai has selected one of his Java/J2EE candidate for a contract position in CISCO whom I forwarded. Also Bangladesh played very well against India in the 1st ODI although lost by 5 wickets. Here is the scorecard.

When I went to lunch for home, I saw BabiesRUs delivered Ahyan's new crib and matress. Shusmita is quite excited about it.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

19 Year Old Boy Killed In Front of Our Apartment

Yesterday, I took Nitol to Napa Valley where me and Shusmita attended a marketing presentation to recieve our vacation package to San Diego. Nitol liked Napa Valley a lot. On the way back we went to San Francisco for a while. After dropping Nitol at his new flat, I came back home tired with 200 miles driven. My car crossed its 10000 miles just 3 days back and serving me quite well.

Late at night police knocked our door and asked whether we heard gun shot or someting unusual. We were too tired to hear anything. The cop reported that a boy is shot just opposite to our apartment and the whole area we saw full of polices. Shusmita was excited and scared. After all, we thought we are in one of the safe areas of California. Later today in news we found the mexican boy Aaron boy was shot and later died in hospital. Here are few links.

Thoughts on Life, Death, and Overcoming Fear

I've been pondering a topic that's universally relevant yet rarely discussed - death and the anxieties it evokes. As I delve deeper ...